
Friday, April 22, 2011

Wk 4 Comment to Curt

Curt Isakson says:

A distinction is not a standard to live up to, but a framework of possibility to live into.”

The Art of Possibilities, Rosamund Zander, and Benjamin Zander, 2000.

Instead of commenting on just one part of the last chapters of this book, I would like to write down a few simple thoughts on the whole book:

This book has really got me thinking about I interact with the people around me, and how I react to the environment that surrounds me.
I have to remind myself that reality is simply my reality and the perspective I view it from can be so fluid from day to day and moment to moment.  I believe that it is up to me to create my world and to make sure that I try to tackle it from a positive and educated viewpoint and keep the WE factor in mind always.
I cannot say I have had a book that has stuck with me so well as the Art of Possibilities.

My Response:

I too was quite inspired by the Art of Possibilities. You are so right about how fluid our perspective and reality can be. Sometimes that is a good makes us teachable and moldable when our perspective needs changing. I wish you the best of luck in your journey for a new and enlightened viewpoint that benefits yourself and those around you.

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